Visiting Uplistsikhe

Visiting Uplistsikhe

Georgia Uplistsikhe Mountains
Georgia Mountains4
Georgia Castle

Georgia is made of up deserts as well as deciduous forests. The desert and rocky areas are found mostly along the southern parts of the country and the green forests are found in the north and central parts. On the upper left is where a forest ends and a large dry rocky mountain begins. Above is some very rocky and scraggly terrain that I passed by in the southern part of the country. There didn’t seem to be too much population in these parts of Georgia, but several hundred years ago a castle was built in the area that can be seen to the left.
Georgia Uplistsikhe Rocks
Georgia Uplistsikhe River
These surrounding pictures are of an ancient city carved out of sandstone also found in the desert like region of Georgia. Uplistsikhe was founded back when the country practiced the Pagan religion, and some ceremonial grounds can still be pointed out. The photos above show the desert like terrain, but the ancient city’s life line was this large river flowing by. Below is a photo of an entrance to one of the rooms, and a ‘window’.
Georgia Uplistsikhe Entrance
Georgia Uplistsikhe View
Georgia Uplistsikhe Cave
Georgia Uplistsikhe Bats
Uplistsikhe also had its enemies. An interesting part of this old city is going down into their secret escape tunnel in case they were ever being over run by the enemy. I descended into the tunnel and almost immediately I could hear hundreds of bats flying around and making noise.

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