About Me

About Me

Thanks for stopping by! My name is George Kashouh, and I have some serious passions for travel and adventure. For 20 years now, I’ve been doing my best to to climb the highest peak in each continent as well as visit every country in the world. It’s a slow process, but I have never looked back on my goal and each year find myself going on a new adventure. I do my best to share my travels through my own experiences and photos. My website has over 9,000 photos taken from places all over the world, but due to time constraints parts of my site are behind from being modernized. This is a work in progress, but might take me a few more years to catch up 🙂 . To put things in perspective, if you read a single page a day on my site, it would take you nearly two years to read everything!

Myself in Nepal
I started off my adventures when I was young, with a trip to Costa Rica followed by Peru a year later. Instead of satisfying me, those trips only made me want to see and do more in life. Immediately after graduating high school, I essentially used what was my life savings at that point to travel to Africa and climb Kilimanjaro; beginning my quest to climb the highest mountain on every continent. After five years in the Marines, I once again used most of my life savings to do a trip around the world, completing one of my first major travel goals to visit all seven continents. 20 years later, I’ve been to over 80 countries and have climbed six of the Seven Summits including Mt. Everest.

About My Mission


For most of my life I’ve always dreamed of some unique adventure of a lifetime or special challenge I could overcome. It just seemed that everything in this world had already been done by people thousands of times over. There are no new unexplored countries or uncharted islands to discover, the highest mountains have all been climbed, and the first person to reach the north and south poles accomplished this well over a century ago. One day in November 2006 while I was hiking in Ecuador, I realized how much traveling was my passion. Ecuador was amazing, but it was just one out of over 200 countries in the world. Traveling to every country on the earth wasn’t a new idea yet it still appealed to me. It’s certainly a lifelong goal that seemed a bit overwhelming. Even if I visit a new country every few months it would take over 40 years to accomplish this goal. And how many people can afford an overseas vacation every few months much less get the time off work consistently for four decades? Despite the time and financial challenges, the dangers of visiting war torn and remote countries, and the impact it would have on my personal life, I suddenly felt like this was something I had to pursue. I also plan to take this goal a step further, by visiting the most interesting places in all countries (never crossing the border just to say I’ve been there), climbing the highest mountains on each continent, and posting my photos and stories. Since I returned from that trip in 2006 I have never given up and have stayed passionate about my goal.

About Photography


During my early travels I was indifferent to photography and figured a few random shots from a wind-up camera would do the job. That worked for a few years but as I kept coming home and telling family and friends, “it’s so much more amazing in person!”, I finally invested in a real camera.Every photo on this web site was taken by me with no exceptions, unless of course I’m actually in the photo itself!

John Oliver Show

I’ve stuck with Nikon for over a decade now and currently shoot with a Nikon D800, while occasionally using a Go-Pro for video. Since I became more dedicated to photography, my photos have begun to appear everywhere from advertisements, text books, television, and even in the Smithsonian. I have listed a few of my best photos as a means to raise money for future adventures, namely that ridiculously expensive expedition I fantasize about to Antarctica. Click here to see prints that are for sale. Nearly all photos are available; if you would like more information contact me at George@travelthewholeworld.com.

Website Goals


There was a time where I attempted to market my website to make goals such as returning to Antarctica. As it turns out, this requires almost daily updates and a ton of time that I don’t have. I’ve certainly enjoyed the people I’ve met and coverage I’ve received, and will continue to look forward to more in the future, but ultimately this has always been for fun and will stay that way!

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